Friday, November 25, 2005

25 things to do before I turn 25

These are all things I would like to do before I make it to the big two-five. There are surely other things, but I will remain realistic, although you never know.

1. See David Wilcox in concert again.
2. Run in a 5k or more.
3. Sell a couple bikes.
4. Go through and completely clean out my basement.
5. Write and memorize I really good poem.
6. Read the Bible front to back. Then back to front.
7. Watch one of my best friends have a baby. Maybe a couple of friends.
8. Pay off all my debt.
9. Write a children's book.
10.Watch the Matrix without falling asleep.
11. Take a Pilates class from Barbie Spates.
12. Get down to my ideal body weight.
13. Put all my photos in an album.
14. Get rid of all the clothes in my closet that I haven't worn in 2 years.
15. Collect all the real addresses of all the people I have email addresses for.
16. Cancel all my email accounts accept one.
17. Recycle regularly.
18. Make a cake from scratch.
19. Jump out of a plane.
20. Return everything I have ever borrowed from anyone.

This is hard.... Help me come up with the last 5 things.


J Stu said...

21. Jump out of a plane again...with J Stu.
I've always wanted to sky dive. I was disappointed when I learned that I was ineligible, as an Army bandsman, for jump school. Then I found out they jump out of the plane at only 500ft. Boo. I want to fall farther than that. So bring it on, D.

Anonymous said...

22. see david wilcox in fort worth with blake and kara or else be hated and scorned every moment of your life from now until eternity.

keely said...

Spend quality time in Kansas City with all the Steger clan...

Anonymous said...

I'm with J stu - static line jump at 500ft just wouldn't be enough.

Anywhere you want to go or see? Alaska, Grand Canyon, etc.

Wow - anonymous sounds a little spiteful :)

Anonymous said...

23. Road-trip to Virginia to see Russell and Katherine. Pick up any friends you can get fit in the car on the way.
