Friday, April 15, 2005


I know this topic is much discussed, but it's been on my mind lately, and I have found some interesting information.

Some of you know that recently I tried eating like a vegan. Well, it only lasted 4 whole days. The faux chicken was a little much. But during this process I have realized more and more that I have a very unhealthy perception of food. For instance, with the vegan diet, I thought because I was giving up something, that meant I could eat as much as I wanted out of all the other stuff.

I think part of my problem began when I left my parents house to go to college, or maybe even in middle school when I was given the opportunity to pick out my own lunch. (Fast food baby!!!!) Living with my parents, I had little or no control of what I was eating, and the minute I left it was like I just went crazy. You would have thought I had never eaten before. Anything and everything, and at any time of day or night. "FiveStar run for chicken nuggets anyone?" Yes, this is a gas station in Kentucky, with some of the greasiest chicken nuggets in the country.

This problem was partially corrected when moved back to Norman and I started attending Weight Watchers meetings a couple years ago. My first step was realizing that I had an enormous portion control problem, as do most American's. So I realized it, changed it, and now I'm back to a clear medium to large portion problem again. Very rarely do I eat until I'm sick, like I used to, but I still eat until I'm satisfied. Which is a false satisfaction. If I would eat slower, (it's not a freakin race Della), or even if I ate with people more often, the food intake wouldn't be quite a goal as it is now. Honestly, I might eat with another human being three times during the entire week. That is really sad. Uh......... I'm depressed just thinking about it.

Well, anyway. I'm just still stuck in that mindset, where food doesn't represent it's natural function in my life. And it doesn't serve as social function, which might be a little better, although still not entirely healthy. It serves as an obsession, something I can, or can't, control. Man, this is definitely not how I intended this blog to end. I really just wanted to post some handy web-sites on nutrition. Now I'm crying and feeling bad about myself. No I'm not. Just regretting this blog.

So here is what I found:


Anonymous said...

Della- First of all, why are you up and pondering things at 7:00 in the morning? Eww. Stop it.

Second of all. Russ and I were accosted by PETA people while in D.C. last summer. For a short while (an hour? two?) we were hard-core vegetarians. Then, while in Australia, we contemplated cleansing our colons. Every needs a good colon-cleansing once in a while. It was quite "the thing" amongst my YWAM friends. Perhaps a cleansed colon is a holy colon.

Third, I am supposed to be writing a Psychopathology paper on bipolar disorder in children... Yet I am frantically reading blogs of assorted Norman folks, catching up on the pre-Russ years of my life.

It's good reading. Carry on...

Anonymous said...

I feel that I have been represented in "Katherine"'s comment as a chicken hugger, and I just wanted to clarify that I was only a chicken hugger once, between my 6th and 7th grade years of junior high. This was only a brief period of about 11 months, during which I can remember picking out the pork of an egg roll. Henceforth I have never been even remotely attracted to becoming a chicken hugger. I am not now, nor do I foresee myself in the future becoming a chicken hugger. This is exactly why private information should not be shared so casually in public domain.

Anonymous said...

Good thoughts here to ponder. I wonder why we don't talk about the sin we used to call "gluttony" any more, but it is alive and active. Somehow Xianity should bear on what we eat, for that is connected to what we consume. I know I've grown in this area, mostly because Julie has been pushing me to.
Julie and I are wrapping up our own pill-induced colon cleanse (and liver and a bunch of other organs). I can't say that I've noticed much of a difference but maybe that's because I haven't gotten in touch with my inner colon (gross).
Kat - get to work.
Russ - you liar.

Anonymous said...

In no way could my writing on this blog discredit me as a "liar," and I should hope that you are very grateful that I don't sue for libel.

Anonymous said...

Blog already damn it