Thursday, April 28, 2005

Years of practice.

To answer the questions having to do with the previous blog, I have had years of experience perfecting the craft that is keeping others at bay. I would even include several years of being a pathological liar as the worst extent of the problem.

But more recently the problem stems from pride. In certain situations, I feel like I am a good listener, asking questions that seem appropriate. But, when conversations then turn back to me, I often give surface level answers that don't expose any yucky characteristics that I am trying to hide from the outside world. I either A) make answers seem as upbeat as possible, B) muddle my answers with useless qualifications, so that you can't possible interpret what the hell I'm really trying to say, or C) I respond with one-word answers such as "fine" or "good".

I have another entertaining habit of getting real deep real quick with someone I barely know, then because we have had such a "genuine bonding experience", I either never talk to them again or avoid them at all cost for several months. They, of course, know to much. Real healthy Della.

So you see, I have mastered the "guard". Well, I say it's time for the guard to come down, (when it's appropriate, of course). Time to make intentional commitments to relationships, and pull my head out of my ass. (to my brother and sister I apologize for the profanity, I know you think I am an angel, well the guard is coming down for you too.)

And as for the blog written by my good friend Brent Corbin, I to will stand-up and admit that I am obsessed with the idea of getting married. So much so that it hinders my view of the opposite sex and my relationships with them. You can almost guarantee that if you are male, I have already summed you up in my mind and have either put you in the "I-would-never-date-you" or the "when-are-you-going-to-ask-me-out-so-i-can-start-planning-our-wedding" category. I realize this might be a natural 20-something single girl thing to do, but it is SICK!! I know every last one of my girlfriends, (besides Kim) are either married or getting married. (officially or unofficially.) Doesn't mean I need to freak out. We single females, and males for that matter, (J-Do, Corbs, Hewey) need to R-E-L-A-X!!! Don't try to push to hard. We shouldn't settle for something that isn't right, for whatever reason.

This is my vow. I promise to chill out. To not read into potential relationships as if my life depended on it. To not compromise on major issues, now appropriately deemed "deal breakers". To love my male friends for whom they are, FRIENDS! To enjoy my singleness. To read and study scripture so that I can better understand God and myself, and his plan for me. To take advantage of time with my married friends while they are still here, and while they still have time to hang out with me. To learn from them, so that when I am married I will be somewhat prepared.

Please keep me accountable to this vow. I am looking to you for support and counsel.

Signing out for now.

1 comment:

keely said...

I'm married, I don't have all the answers (or probably many of them) but I'm here for you and I love you. Hope it goes well tonight.