Sunday, April 03, 2005

Take that! and that! and that!

I have had a series of interesting events the past two weeks. My life has been flipped upside down, then right side up, then around and around, and now I am standing on the ground again, but I feel a little light headed, like I could fall down at any moment.

Two Wednesdays ago I went in for my general HR advisement, with the sweet Dr. Katie. After fifteen minutes I left her office sobbing, trying to deal with the news that I would not be graduating in December as I had planned, but in May, making my college career a full 6 years. (undergraduate, mind you.)It was aweful and I was mostly in shock. I really didn't see this coming. So I spent the rest of the week trying to plan what classes I would spend my surprise 30 odd hours studying. OH! And how the heck I was going to pay for it. I tossed around the idea of getting a loan and picking up a minor in Religious Studies, but I just really wasn't sure. The possibilty of extra time in school also made me rethink my current career prosutes with the Oklahoma Film and Music Commission. Which that doubt was only encouraged further when a professor, after watching what turned out to be a fabulous power point presentation by me, heavily encouraged me to get my teaching certificate. (REMINDER: I was an education major at one point but decided to change to HR thinking I would graduate faster, HA! Yeah right) I mean seriously, WHERE WAS THIS GUY THREE YEARS AGO!!!!!!

Anyway, moving on...... After really rethinking this major change, I decide that I will just be content with the idea of being in school another semester, this will give me a chance to study things that really interest me, maybe even take a dance class. I toss around thoughts about where I am going to live, should I continue my internship with the Film Office, should I get my teaching certificate, I mean if I am going to borrow money anyway, I may as well go all out. Then I wake up from the nightmare, and have a real degree check at the College of Arts and Science. In 10 minutes, my life that had been turn upside down was quickly turned right side up with the news that I only had 21 more hours, meaning with a little intersession and a full load, I was going to graduate in December as planned. What was Dr. Katie talking about? This guy said that my records were pretty straight forward and that he had no idea how we had come to that conclusion. I was to say the least, relieved. (and I am sure my parents are too)

But the craziness doesn't stop there. Aside from some relationship mumbo-jumbo, which I am still confused about, I have relized my life is still in full swing, as it should be, and quite frankly turning out pretty swell. Wednesday night I met a fantastic young lady who will be transfering to OU in the fall, and after meeting with her and her mother on Thursday, she has decided to join us here at the Bird's Nest, despite all the nasty roomers.... uh I mean rumors. This is only 24 hours after our good friend Colleen decided to move in as well. Praise the Lord!!!

And to kick it all off, I saved the best for last. I recieved a phone call Friday night from a girl named Jenny offering me a job. Not just any job!! A dream job to this little pop-culture-princess. I will be working for the every so popular and all too morally corrupt MTV as a casting assistant for the next season of The Real World!!!! Yeah thats right! TAKE THAT!!!!

Funny how things work out. One minute you think your life might be taking a U-turn, but the next minute your right back where you started, pushing the gas faster and harder this time. Huh, is God soveriegn? I think so. Heaven knows I didn't plan this.


keely said...

I like the gas pedal analogy.

Anonymous said...

that's great Della!

OneoftheServens said...

I'm anxious to hear how the MTV gig went, and hope to get together soon.