Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Post #100

So here I am. In Lubbock, Texas. Posting my 100th entry on my blog. Life up to this point.....Well, it's different to say the least. So much has changed in the past year and a half. I know it's that time of life where things change drastically for all twentysomeones. But, holy cow has life changed.

I'm sure most of you that keep up with me, or keep up with my blog have seen those changes. You've seen me graduating from college, getting my first job (well, internship), selling my first house, moving away. Thanks for being there for all of that. I pray that you continue to check on me and support me. For those of you who are just meeting me for the first time, welcome. Come join in the fun that is Della's Life.

Here is what's going on now:

Like I said, I'm in Lubbock. I just got here a week ago, still haven't officially moved though. I hope to go back to Norman and get my stuff in the next couple of weeks after my apartment is ready. I have already been on a leadership retreat with RUF up in New Mexico, where I got to spend sometime at Cloudhaven Christian Retreat and Study Center. It's a lot like L'abri, so if you know any one that is looking to ask questions about the Christian faith or struggling with faith in general this is a great place to recommend. It's perfect for long or short time stays, and it's much cheaper than going to England.

These past few days has been spent getting to know the people and the streets of Lubbock. I attended Providence PCA on Sunday, where they just called a pastor from Philadelphia. Sunday was his first Sunday as well as mine. I think he is great. I of course was in fountains and fountains of tears of joy when he was finished. Marc Corbett, the RUF campus minister, wrapped things up by talking about our brokenness. He said something about how after the leadership retreat we couldn't really stand up and say "wow, isn't Texas Tech lucky to have us." We are all just people with problems helping to point other people with problems to Christ. It's not by my merit that I am here, but because God planned this perfectly for me. I was really moved by that.

So, here I am. Up in my cube, waiting for the ice cream social to start on campus. You can all be praying for the freshmen, grad students, and transfer students, not just here but all over the country. This is a scary and lonely time. I pray that the Body will be a comfort to the lost and lonely.

Here are some pictures of the past week:


keely said...

Oh, my Della. How I love and miss you. The 3 of us love you and are praying for your new adventures.

J Stu said...

Wow. Nice sand. And it looks like a good bunch. Looks like you guys were really enjoying those coca-colas.

Anonymous said...

Purple is not a flavor of ice cream.

Annie said...

I miss you. Sounds like you're hitting it off with those Techies pretty fabulously. Love