Thursday, January 27, 2005


My sister is one of the biggest blessings in my life. She is genuine, loving, playful, hopeful, and just plain funny. Her husband and I like to joke that she is a cross between Monica and Phoebe, but the truth is she is very smart. I'm not sure when she became a Christian, but I have noticed a lot of changes in her in the past few years and I can only explain those changes by her growing faith. The birth of her three beautiful children has had something to do with that I think. She is an amazing mother. I often feel like I'm being mothered by her in many ways. (in a good ways) She has stuck by me through all my challenges, as I have been going through changes in my theology and my struggle to understand doctrine. I think she thought I was going crazy during most of it. Even when I was at my lowest and the most sensitive, she was nothing but a comfort to me. We would have heated conversation and debates about the sovereignty of God, and most of the time we end them by saying, "Well I just don't know, Della" "Well I don't know either, Amy."But now, formerly a "Free Will" Baptist, after spending several late nights on the phone with my brother, and devouring a few books on the Grace of God, I think that she would say that she is completely reformed and is floored by the things that she is learning. Now granted, this whole concept might sounds silly. "Big deal she's reformed!" Well, it is a big deal. For maybe the first time she is really thinking about what God's grace for us means. Understanding her place in her salvation, understanding that she is more sinful than she had ever imagined but also more loved that she could have ever dreamed, (Tim Keller) makes her as giddy as watching Elmo makes her son Hayden. ( The cute little guy she is kissing here) I love to see this in her. I love to see it in anyone. Amy is one of the most beautiful people I know. And I am so glad that God predestined us to be sisters. Posted by Hello

1 comment:

OneoftheServens said...

Don't listen to Clint. Keep blogging.