Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Kickin' em' when they're down. I had no intention of hurting a friend this evening, but I think that I may have kicked him while he was down. May I just add that the key word here is FRIEND. A friend is someone that you care about, spend time with, encourage, pray for, listen to, but in no way hold posture towards as anything more than any other person you claim as a friend. While I realize that the line between myself and this friend has been gray or even dotted in the past, I am fairly certain over the past few weeks it has been dark, full, and maybe even written with a Sharpie. Even so, I was trying to be sensative to the overall situation, while trying to explain to him that I might be moving on. Now my intention was to inform him before he heard it from someone else, or before he saw something that he might find questionable if he were under the impression that we might actually be more than friends. (Which, once again was made clear by him and me that we were nothing more.) So, although I was only doing what I would expect one friend to do for another, and what he even admitted he appreciated, I think that it may have hurt him, more than I had expected. Did I not do it tactfully? Should I have waited until there were actual concrete plans of moving forward? If I had waited until then, wouldn't it have been a little late to mention, " Hey, by the way I'm going on a date tonight, thought you might want to know."? I was trying to do the right thing here. Any opinions on whether I did or not? Jeeze....I quit. Posted by Hello

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