Friday, September 29, 2006

80's Sangers

80's Sangers, originally uploaded by dellasanger.

I've been missing this lately. When I was young and ignorant, and the only responsibilities I had were practicing the piano and feeding the dog. When I was rewarded with popcicles and TGIF was the most exciting part of my week. "Things were simpler then."

But we grow up. And we learn. And things change. Things might be more complex and responsibities might come with more serious consequences or results but with more complexity comes a more rewarding, more meaningful course of events. TGIF doesn't exist anymore and popcicles, while still a nice treat, just a fond memory.


keely said...

i think it's lucky that we were young enough in the 80's to be cute. it's a bit unfortunate for the rest of those folks, though. :)

i hear i don't get to see you here in kc come november. that suggs.

Anonymous said...

Hott hott hott!!!