Thursday, September 29, 2005

Oreos and Lima Beans

I recently had a long and interesting conversation with a new friend. We talked about lots of things like growing up in Norman, parents, being old, drugs, dogs, Oreos and lima beans. You see, early in the week we had been in Tulsa for the RUF fall conference, and while walking through Brookside (I think) we went to this really posh dog store. You know the one. Silly dog costumes, dog leashes with a little bling bling, and of course gourmet dog treats. This led to conversations about dogs and then bikes somehow. I told this friend that I had been looking for a throwback Schwinn. (I know you can use "throw back" to talk about old jerseys, but is it okay to use when talking about Schwinns made in the 60's and 70's? Anyway, you get my point.)
Well, he just happened to mention that he had one just sitting at his house that I could have if I wanted. Those of you who know me and share in my fetish can imagine when I say that immediately lit up and freaked out. I offered to pay for it. I told him that I had been looking on EBay and bikes like these weren't going for cheap. He said that if I just took care of it and fixed it up, that I could just have it. I don't think you understand how this made me feel. It was like a dream come true!!

So returning to Norman, my new friend with my oh-so-sweet ride came over for a late night visit the next day. (The little beauty was everything I imagined it could be) And may I just add that this is #4 in my ever growing fleet of bikes.

But going back to the original reason for posting this blog, my friend and I had this interesting conversation about Oreos and lima beans. His theory is that everything has an enjoyment value that can be measured by how many Oreos or lima beans it dispenses. This hit him while ironing clothes for an old girlfriend that he was dating at the time. In his mind, and I can't remember how his mind got to this point, the ironing didn't dispense any Oreos; in fact it dispensed lima beans. Although while ironing, he hugged the girlfriend, who dispensed Oreos. He thought it strange but with the amount of lima beans being despensed by the ironing and the Oreos being despensed by the girlfriend, he just ended up coming out even. Equal amounts of lima beans to Oreos. This is when he knew they needed to break up. So from now on he measures something's pleasure value by estimating how many Oreo to lima beans they dispense.

I thought, and still think this is a pretty good system. Now you may not want to use this with everything situation, but for the most part, if you are trying to weigh options, Oreos always outweigh lima beans. For example getting in bed right when I walk in the door despenses many many Oreos, and at the time taking off my shoes and brushing my teeth despenses several lima beans. In this situation, you have to look past the immediate Oreos and look to the possible Oreos in the future. Waking up in the morning without wicked breath and comfortable feet, feeling oh-so-refreshed despenses a considerable amount of Oreos.

So here are some things with a high Oreo count, followed by lima bean dispensers.

Bikes (free ones despense the most)
Songs from the 80's
Any drink that is red.
Pictures(see the link above
Silver Lake
Kim and Keely(and many more, to many to mention)
Hearing my name (is that vanity)
Rusty's (you can actually get Oreos in Rusty's)
Being the first one awake
Being the first one asleep
I have a feeling this list could get really long

Collecting rent.
Forgeting my wallet (sorry Kim)
Being late
Shaving with a dull razor
Bathing (I do it, I just don't like it)
People moving away.
Rolling trashcans in the union.
People shushing me.
Painting the house.
Seeing people you know you were mean to in middle school.
Trying to read my blog in french.


kelsey said...

Ahhh...I'm understandin' the lima beans now.

keely said...

I like this.

I like you.