Sunday, March 13, 2005

My return!!!

I apologize to my fans for my absence. I realize that my insight, that you so often look towards for guidance, has been missing for far to long.

I am currently writing you from Katy, Texas, the new home of my brother and his family. I must say that my trip has been quite hectic so far. As I type, my little nephew Fenton is being stripped from his church clothes because he had an accident, one that would normally be prevented if he weren't so preoccupied with his cousins. Screaming, crying, spanking, threatening, please-don't-spank-me, poop, wipe-my-bottom, mom-i'm-hungry, mom-can-we-play-outside!!! Oh yeah, we are talking some serious birth control here. I love children, especially my nephews and nieces, but enough is enough.

I will say that my brother's sermon this morning was wonderful. The theme was community, complete with illustrations from C.S. Lewis' The Great Divorce. I'm really proud of my brother. He was recently called to be the head pastor of a church down here in Katy. The reasons I enjoy him so much are: one because I am supposed to, two because he is just brilliant, three because although he cen be incredibly hard to talk with sometimes (do to his inablility to focus on more than one thing at a time), his love for scripture, truth, and grace is more than I can handle sometimes. Also, I think that maybe he is a little too smart for his own good, much like his oldest son.

We are all heading to Sea World tomorrow, Lord be with us. It should be lots of fun. I must go now, we are eating a Sea World theme lunch provided by some sweet ladies from the church. "Octopus on the beach" anyone?

I will say that I wrote an incredibly eloquent blog this morning, that was erased when the laptop ran out of batteries. So there is plenty more where this came from, I just have to find a free moment.

1 comment:

keely said...

welcome back. i likee.